Common Mental Mistakes Are Destroying Your Productivity

There is a great obsession with being productive and there are many suggestions on how to improve one’s productivity. Similarly, there are many tips available on how to avoid habits that lead to decreased productivity. It is often the case that the things that hinder us are easily noticeable. We have the ability to manage factors that can gradually affect us negatively, such as minor errors in our thinking and how they impact our efficiency.

Destroying Your Productivity


1. You think you have more focused time than you do

In the past, we were frequently affected by this problem. The main problem arises from our tendency to miscalculate the amount of distractions we will face throughout the day. We often end up repeatedly looking at our iPhones within a short span of time because we are avoiding focused thinking and concentration on our work. We believe it’s not a problem as there is still ample time to concentrate on the remaining activities of the day.

And it simply does not become a reality.

To effectively prioritize and accomplish tasks, it is essential to be practical about the amount of time you can dedicate to them. Instead of trying to devote an unrealistic length of concentrated focus, recognize the limitation of your attention span and use it as a catalyst for prioritization. This means being very strict in determining which task or goal is most vital and taking action on that priority within the designated time frame.

2. You think you’re a good multi-tasker

Guess what? It’s not possible for anyone to multi-task. In fact, multi-tasking is a misconception and it results in lower productivity levels. Those who attempt to multi-task create the impression of being productive, but in reality they are less efficient. Increase your level of productivity.

multi-tasking. When you try to multi-task, your brain is actually switching back and forth between multiple tasks that use the same part of the brain. Therefore, from both a literal and scientific perspective, it is not possible to do two things at once. Instead of attempting to multi-task, it’s important to develop a habit of focusing on one task at a time – known as single-tasking. Achieving multiple tasks simultaneously.

3. You think you can do everything by yourself

If you aim to achieve maximum productivity, it is important to have the ability to assign tasks to someone more capable than you, which is known as delegation.

Hiring a business manager and project manager for the company is highly advisable. It is often the case that we waste productivity when we attempt to handle excessive responsibilities. Do not succumb to this mistake.

4. You mentally dismiss the basics

over them and focus on the latest trendy productivity apps or gadgets. Boyes suggests that we should not overlook the effectiveness of these tried-and-true methods in improving productivity. For example, setting up a to-do list, planning ahead for the next day, and removing distractions such as phones during busy periods can be highly effective strategies. Although less exciting, their reliability has been proven time and time again. They are looking for a significant change to make in wholesale, but such a change does not exist. Improving productivity occurs through taking small steps continuously, which eventually leads to significant change.

5. You underestimate a break in the flow

The brief interruptions we take to look at our phones can have a greater negative impact than we realize. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, a renowned psychologist, advocates for the idea of achieving “flow,” a pleasant mental state where one is highly productive and working at their best pace. Disrupting this flow can significantly diminish productivity.

6. You think taking plenty of breaks tanks productivity

Do not be misled by the fifth point mentioned. It is important to take breaks. As a matter of fact, the Pomodoro method, which is highly effective, suggests working for 25-minute intervals (timer may be used for assistance) followed by a 5-minute pause. Majority of individuals assume that better productivity can be achieved through prolonged work sessions, however, this notion is false.

Putting in the effort to enhance productivity is essential, as you wouldn’t want to regress due to simple errors. Being more aware and mindful can significantly help avoid such mistakes.